I'd like to get involved in Kids' Harbor!
Form Entry
First Name
First Name is required.
Last Name
Last Name is required.
Email address is not valid
Email is required.
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone is required.
Preferred Method of Contact
Phone Call
Preferred Method of Contact is required.
Have you been regularly attending College Church for longer than 6 months?
Have you been regularly attending College Church for longer than 6 months? is required.
I'm available to volunteer:
No preference
I'm not sure yet
I'm available to volunteer: is required.
I'm available to volunteer
School year
I'm available to volunteer is required.
I'm available at this time:
Sun am
Sun pm (school year only)
Wed am (school year only)
Wed pm (school year only)
I'm not sure yet
I'm available at this time: is required.
I'd love to work with this age:
No preference/as needed
I'd love to work with this age: is required.
Tell us about yourself
Please reduce the length of Tell us about yourself to 250 characters.
Tell us about yourself is required.
Involvement at College Church (Adult community, MBS, WBS, part of a small group, brand new?)
Please reduce the length of Involvement at College Church ( Adult community , MBS, WBS, part of a small group , brand new ?) to 250 characters.
Involvement at College Church (Adult community, MBS, WBS, part of a small group, brand new?) is required.
What inspired you to fill out this form?
Please reduce the length of What inspired you to fill out this form ? to 250 characters.
What inspired you to fill out this form? is required.
Thank you for your interest in volunteering in Kids' Harbor. A staff member will be in contact with you soon. If together we decide this sounds like a good fit, you will be given an application to complete.